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Happl Benefits Concierge

Welcome to your benefits concierge! Use this form to build your benefits offering and request quotes from our providers. If you'd like to read more about our partners before you sign-up check out our guide.

Which Benefits would you be interested in opting into?

Which Benefits would you be interested in opting into?

What is your registered company name?

Please share the link to your Companies House page, you can search for this here.

How many UK employees do you have?

Who will be the main point of contact when setting up these benefits?

What is their email address?

If you would like to receive a quote for insurance, please upload a file here which includes each employees name, DOB, address, yearly salary, and the insurance you're interested in being quoted for. If you're operating an opt-in policy for these benefits, please mark which employees are interested in which types of insurance.